Executing & Referencing flows

There are multiple ways to execute flows from the CLI:

  1. a single YAML flow;

  2. a directory of flows;

  3. flows that match a glob.

  4. flows specified in a #workspace-configuration file.

1. Executing a single flow

The most simplistic way of executing a flow file is to call the flow directory from the CLI explicitly using a <flowFile>.

dcd cloud --apiKey <apiKey> <appFile> <flowFile>


  • <appFile> is one of:

    • .app

    • .zip

    • .apk

  • <flowFile> is one of:

    • .yaml

    • .yml

2. Executing flows by passing a directory

dcd cloud --apiKey <apiKey> <appFile> <directoryPath>

Where <directoryPath> is either:

  • an absolute path. i.e. /path/from/root

  • a relative path, i.e. ./ or path/from/currentDir

In this case, the CLI will inspect all YAML files in the directory (but not sub-directories) and create new tests for each. Note: if the specified directory contains a config.yaml folder, then the CLI will switch to using the workspace configuration.

3. Executing flows by passing a glob

dcd cloud --apiKey <apiKey> <appFile> <glob>

Where <glob>is path matching string such as ./**/*.yaml

The CLI uses the NPM glob module. This package provides its own CLI which you can use for debugging globs.

4. Executing flows using a Workspace Config file

dcd cloud --apiKey <apiKey> <appFile> <directoryPathIncludingConfigYaml>

To use a Workspace Config file (config.yaml), include it in the top-level directory. The CLI will inspect this file and match flows by name or glob using the flows key.

Workspace Config

For complex setups a config.yaml file is recommended. This file is explained in detail in the Maestro Cloud documentation. We only supported the Maestro configuration options listed below. A config.yaml containing unsupported configuration will be processed, but unsupported config options will be skipped.

Supported Config

Unsupported Config

  • baselineBranch

  • disableRetries

Referencing flows

As of version 2.0.0, the CLI will search for all nested dependencies referenced by your YAML flows using Maestro keywords (addMedia, runFlow, runScript)

Last updated